Saturday, August 02, 2014

Stan Romanek, Self-Described Alien Abductee & Accused Child Porn Distributor Goes Back To Court This Wednesday (8-6-14)

Stan Romanek

UFO conspiracy theorist Stan Romanek in court for child porn case Wednesday

By Anica Padilla

     DENVER - A Loveland man who claims he was abducted by aliens is due in court Wednesday on child pornography charges.

Stan Romanek was arrested February 13 on suspicion of possessing and distributing child pornography.

Romanek is known for his claims of personal contact with aliens - and a grainy, black and white video that he claims shows an alien looking in through his window. . . .

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See Also:

STAN ROMANEK UPDATE: Evidence in Alleged Attack on Accused Child Porn Distributor & Self-Described Alien Abductee Inconsistent with Claim, Case Suspended

UPDATE: Self-Described Alien Abductee & Accused Child Porn Distributor, Stan Romanek's Mental Competency To Be Determined

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Self-Proclaimed 'Alien Abductee,' Stan Romanek Arrested for Child Porn

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UPDATE: Self-Described Alien Abductee, Stan Romanek Appears in Court on Child Pornography Charges

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1 comment :

  1. This is a complete setup by the government because they could not scare Stan into silence so, charge him with a crime the government knows will destroy this individual not only credibility-wise, but totally destroy his character as well. The government has done this countless times to include cases of murder, then having it publicly announce the murdered individual committed suicide. Stan is innocent but unfortunately the government will once again succeed in destroying another free citizen's life just to keep their secrets a secret. When the governments of this world are destroyed, tyranny and persecution of the innocent in this world will end.


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