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I will have Pastrami with that Debate
![]() | By James Carrion 8-5-14 |
I didn't respond back in 2010 but since Stan decided to dredge up his article, it is time I set the record straight. I won't address his comments on Roswell because my book is NOT about Roswell. If he had bothered to read it, he probably would have tempered his comments accordingly. Instead, I will focus on Stanton's comments on the subject of disinformation.
Stan says:
"I am definitely in agreement with James that disinformation is a very important aspect of hot and cold war activities. Certainly New Mexico is no stranger to disinformation and intentional misinformation. When the extraordinary first nuclear explosion was set off at Trinity site on the White Sands Missile Range on July 16, 1947, at 5:29 AM, it was seen by people as far as 100 miles away. Many calls were made to Sheriff's offices, police forces, etc. In a few days a totally false story was released indicating that an ammunition dump had blown up and that fortunately nobody was injured. It was only after the nuclear detonations on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, on August 6 and 9, that the true story came out. The city of Los Alamos, NM, where the scientific work connected with the development of those weapons was conducted was a totally secret city. Nobel prize winning scientists travelled under assumed names. And there were many more examples. A very distressing disinformation release occurred on Sept.12, 1945, when the New York Times quoted General T.F. Farrell, Chief of the War Departmentís mission to Hiroshima, saying that the bomb produced no long lived radioactivity. That was known to be totally false as a result of medical observations of very sick people in Hiroshima a month after the blast."Thanks Stan for confirming that the NY Times was a conduit for disinformation. I highlight the NT Times complicity in disinformation in my book on page 169.
Stan continues:
"During World War II there were many examples of Disinformation. The allies made a very elaborate and subtle effort to convince Hitler that the expected invasion of Germany would take place near Calais, France, under General Patton. Instead Normandy was the location. Hitler was fooled and withheld his reserve troops not knowing that Normandy was just a feint. It was too late when he finally responded."Thanks Stan for mentioning the WW2 disinformation operations that were conducted as strategic deception against the Axis powers. The deception planners that designed and conducted those disinformation operations were the London Controlling Section in the UK and Joint Security Control in the United States. The perpetrators of the 1946 Ghost Rockets just so happened to be the successor members of these two deception planning organizations. On the American side, these included Joint Security Control members General Hoyt Vandenberg, General George McDonald, General Stephen Chamberlin and General Clayton Bissell, among others. If you read the book you will find extensive footnotes that point to the official documents that show the involvement of these characters.
Stan further asserts:
James goes on at some length about a Project Seal supposedly conducted in secrecy by New Zealand, the USA and the United Kingdom towards the end of WW II. The idea was to see if an artificial Tsunami could be created using underwater explosives and causing a huge tidal wave to wash away the Japanese troops on Pacific Islands. He focused on articles appearing in Mid-June 1947 suggesting the project had been working on something as powerful as the atomic bomb and makes much of the timing of one of the articles being in a newspaper next to one about Kenneth Arnold's sighting. For reasons unknown the articles named 2 professionals involved in the project. James is right to ask what that was all about. Was it to tantalize the Russians? But he provides no link between that story and Roswell or the Soviets.There is no "supposedly" about it. Project Seal was a wartime classified project. I have posted the declassified project documents on my blog What you failed to mention to your readers is that the project was terminated in 1945 but promoted as ongoing in 1947 by the original scientists working on the project. These scientists were purposely telling lies but packaging it as truth - that is called disinformation.
You also failed to mention that the press in 1947 did not know that the already terminated project was a tsunami creator as the project wasn't declassified till much later. Instead the speculation two weeks before Kenneth Arnold had his sighting was that the super secret weapon was an airborne weapon. When you read my book you will see the connection this story has with the Soviets.
What is that debunking tactic you really hate others using? Oh yes - "What the Public doesn't know, don't tell them"
Stan acts surprised when:
"Carrion doesn't mention the story told by Professor Valery Burdakov of the Scientific Geoinformation Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences in a large article in Rabochhaya Tribuna (the Workers Tribune) in August 1991, Professor Burdakov told how he had been told by Sergey Korolyev, the Soviet Union's top rocket designer,that Josef Stalin had ordered Korolyev to spend time in secret reviewing a number of foreign articles about UFOs including about Roswell. Several Translators were provided."You won't be surprised Stan to see in my book that this is exactly what the Rosetta Deception was about - to get the Soviets interested first in the Ghost Rockets and later Flying Saucers for a mundane although highly important reason that had nothing to do with ET. The book will explain how important those foreign articles were to pulling off the deception.
And most importantly Stan, thank you for mentioning that:
"Korolyev told Stalin the saucers seemed to be real, but were not a security threat to the USSR. Stalin said other scientists had provided the same opinion. Burdakov was asked about the source of the information. His answer was from Spies. We now know, of course that there were, in 1947, Russian spies such as the Rosenbergs and Klaus Fuchs working at Los Alamos."Yes Stan, the source were Soviet spies because the Rosetta Deception is intimately tied to the Venona Project, the highly secret counterintelligence program that was being conducted from 1946 onward to expose those very spies.
So Stan, thank you for bolstering my book precognitively in 2010. It is too bad your precognitive abilities failed you when you predicted before reading the book, that the Rosetta Deception itself is just disinformation. If you still stand by that comment, then you won't object to a public debate where you present evidence disputing that my book presents anything other than factual evidence backed up by documented sources.
Continue Reading . . .
See Also:
Roswell UFO Crash: Friedman vs Carrion
Former MUFON Director, James Carrion & Noted Ufologist, Stanton Friedman at Odds
UFO NEWS | Former MUFON Director, James Carrion Fires Back at Critics and Reveals Reasons For His Resignation!
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