Friday, August 08, 2014

UFO Festival In Shag Harbour Could Be Last of Its Kind

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UFO Festival In Shag Harbour Could Be Last of Its Kind

By Haleigh Atwood

     When the annual Shag Harbour UFO Festival is celebrated on Aug. 9 to 10 at the local Incident Museum, it may be the last of its kind.

Located on the lighthouse route, the museum is a hidden jewel that tourists often accidentally stumble upon. Despite the remote location, the Shag Harbour Incident Society has seen over 550 visitors since June 8. Unfortunately, the museum cannot thrive on admission fees alone; it is a non-profit organization that remains privately maintained by the Incident Society, a society that is slowly running low on funds.

The outcome of this weekend’s Shag Harbour UFO Festival will partly determine whether the museum continues to run in 2015. Hopes are high and fingers are crossed as the festival is expected to bring in over 200 visitors.

There are many of events scheduled, including two symposiums featuring local witnesses, authors, and UFO researchers. . . .

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