
Sunday, August 10, 2014

‘UFO’ Photographed Over Romford

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‘UFO’ Sighting Over Romford - 2012

By Sebastian Mann

     If something was out there, it would probably try to make contact via Romford.

Or at least that’s a suspicion raised by new images that emerged this week of an UFO over Havering.

Taken from the car park of Romford’s Asda supermarket, one of the images appears to show two dim red lights hovering in the sky. Another enhanced shot seems to show the two lights surrounded by a dark silhouette.

Hornchurch man Bob Williams’ daughter captured the images at dusk in autumn 2012. He said: “She had just got in her car and was getting ready to go when she caught site of the lights through her front windscreen.

“She is always ready to take a picture of anything she finds appealing. She grabbed her mobile phone and took the photograph.

“She watched the UFO briefly before it just shot away, vertically but at an angle.” . . .

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