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1957 UFO – A Brass Colored Disc Over Lake Erie
By Cheryl Costa
A high school student witnesses a brass colored disc over Lake Erie but it would be 57 years before we would know the depth of his sighting.
On the afternoon of September 20th 1957 in Buffalo, NY a Northbound Niagara Street bus had just dropped Steven at this corner on his way home from high school. As he started to walk the short block to his house on Prospect, something blinking caught his attention.
“My first fleeting thought was a yellow Piper Cub airplane.”
Steven looked up to see a brass colored disc. The light atop was rapidly blinking red, green and white; the disc hovered silently, completely motionless. . . .
. . . Steven suddenly became aware of the sound of jet aircraft approaching from the north. He says that the roar of their engines started to hurt his ears as they came closer. The two F-86 fighters, came so close to Steven’s position he could see the pilots. As the jets came closer to where the disc was hovering, the disc took off. . . .
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See Also:
UFO Mothership Over New York City – 1879
New York Skies: Flying Saucers – The Classic UFO
UFOs Caught on Camera Over Rochester, New York | UFO NEWS
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