Tuesday, September 23, 2014

MJ-12: Renowned Ufologist, Stanton Friedman Issues Debate Challenge To Naysayers

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MJ-12: Renowned Ufologist, Stanton Friedman Issues Debate Challenge To Naysayers

MJ-12: Renowned Ufologist, Stanton Friedman Issues Debate Challenge To Naysayers

By Stanton Friedman
The UFO Chronicles
© 9-21-14

     I would hereby like to Publicly challenge Kevin and/or Robert Hastings, and/or Barry Greenwood, and/or Alejandro Rojas or all together to a debate about the legitimacy of the the Cutler Twining Memo, The Truman Forrestal memo, the Eisenhower Briefing Document. I have long acknowledged that there are a large number of phony documents out there. The question is whether those three are legitimate as I have demonstrated. I think an appropriate site would be during the IUFOC in February in Arizona.The debate I had 2 years ago there with John Alexander was very well attended.I have no idea why people think it is more important to talk about the machinations of Richard Doty, Bill Moore, Jaime Shandera, Paul Bennewitz etc than about all the facts that I noted which were not known to be true until after the documents were received.How did a hoaxer know those facts?As a nuclear guy I long ago leaned to focus on what is relevant. That 99.3% of uranium atoms in nature are not fissionable, tellls us nothing about the 0.3% that are. I would say let all sell their books What say you all?


1 comment :

  1. Scientific ufology: When you can't beat published facts, get on a stage and spout the same old rhetoric to the fans.


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