
Sunday, October 05, 2014

UFOs in New York and North America – A 2014 Report

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North American UFO Sightings 2000-2013 Graph

By Cheryl Costa

     A week doesn’t go by that someone steps up to me in a super market line or at my local diner haunt and asks:

“Cheryl are there really a lot of UFOs in New York? Followed by the comment, “I never hear about any.”

My first response typically is, “You should be reading my column every week and yes, there are heaps of UFO sightings.” Then I add, “Did you know that New York State is fifth in the nation for reported UFO sightings!”

This remark usually invokes a look of awe and wonderment. While the truth about UFO sightings numbers amazes people, the implication also tends to make the color drain from their faces.

So let’s talk about the numbers. There are two national UFO databases: MUFON.COM and NUFORC.ORG. For purposes of this article I will be using National UFO Reporting Center or NUFORC data. . . .

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