A Michigan witness recalls a UFO event at his parent’s home in Dexter when the family observed a landed object in their hay field with “little people” walking around, according to testimony in Case 61909 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was 6 years old on August 14, 1967, when he woke from sleep after hearing his parents having a loud conversation.
“I went into our kitchen and asked what was up,” the witness stated. “My father said you need to go back to bed, but my mother said she thought I ought to see what was happening.”
The witness said that his mother then walked him outside and asked him to look toward their back hay field.
“What I saw has stayed with me every day following this.”
The witness described the events.
“I still see the haze in the air around the object and the very little people walking around the object. There was no real defined shape other than it looked to be sort of oval and sort of big.”
The witness said he came home from school the next day, did his chores, and then asked his mother where his father was.
“She told me he had been in the back hay field all day. I went out to the field and found my dad pacing the field from one spot to another to another.”
The witness questioned his father about what he was doing.
“He pointed at the ground and I saw that there was a bare spot there. My father showed me two other bare spots in the field. I knew that there were no bare spots in the field because I had walked the field with my father the day before.”
Over the years, the witness said nothing ever grew in those spots.
“My father tried everything that he could think of to get something to grow in those spots.”
And according to the witness, someone had actually photographed the object.
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See Also:
Feds To Investigate Possible UFO Landing | UFO CHRONICLE – 1994
J. Allen Hynek Reports On a UFO Landing Near Nuclear Missile Site; An Air Force 'Strike Team' was Ordered To Intercept
Family Member Recounts UFO Landing in a Montana Valley | MY UFO EXPERIENCE
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