. . . Asleep with my two brothers in the back seat of our car in the dead of night, something caused me to wake up and get to my knees. Looking out of the back window, I was mesmerized by a large array of dazzling white lights, in rotational motion. It was just behind us, elevated above the car. I don’t know how long the stunning object actually stayed in my view, but it seems to have been no more than a few moments. For whatever reason, I don’t remember how it disappeared.
If Dad and Mom had been aware of whatever it was that had lit up my vision that night on the lonely highway, they kept it to themselves, because there was never any mention of it. Its image remains an indelible enigma in my memory after 62 years. For a long time, I considered that it may have been nothing more than a dream or hallucination formed in my half-awake state. Gradually, however, I have come to the reasonable conclusion that I, indeed, saw something real, which was neither natural nor manmade.
Acquainting myself in my adult years with the UFO literature, I learned that the modern phenomenon has manifested in regular periodic waves, peaking about every five years. 1952 was a peak year, and the U.S. hotspot then was the Southwest. . . .
Continue Reading . . .
See Also:
UFOs Captured On Video While Driving ET Highway
MY UFO EXPERIENCE: Huge V-Shaped Craft, Low and Slow Spotted While Driving
Triangle UFO Spotted Hovering Over Maryland’s I-95
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