A New Mexico witness near Roswell reported watching a slow moving, triangle-shaped UFO that stopped and hovered “50 to 60 feet off of the ground,” according to testimony in Case 62824 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was driving an RV on a road trip and was just a few miles outside of Roswell when the object was first seen on December 27, 2014.
“At first glance it looked like a black bar flying through the sky,” the witness stated. “It was traveling from the south heading north at a slow rate of speed.”
As the witness got closer to the object they could see that it was flying very low.
“As we got closer to the object it flew over the highway we were traveling on, and it was only about 50-60 feet off the ground. Then it just stopped mid flight, about 40 feet to the north of the road, hovered up about 20 feet and then it lowered itself to about 25 feet off the ground and just hung there.”
The witness got a good look at the unknown object.
“That’s when I could tell that it was actually triangular in shape and the top and bottom of the object appeared to be giving off a lot of heat.”
The witness tried to alert family members inside the RV.
“I began shouting to my family in the RV, asking, ‘Is anyone else seeing this?’ My sister was sitting directly behind me and she was able to look out the window and that’s when she also saw the object. She became a bit hysterical and began to scream.”
The witness stated that he was in shock looking at the object. . . .
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See Also:
Triangle UFO Spotted Hovering Over Maryland’s I-95
Triangular Shaped UFOs Reported Over North Carolina
Motorist Snaps Photos of Triangular Shaped UFO
Triangular Shaped UFO Reported 20 Feet Overhead
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