Monday, January 12, 2015

New UAP / [UFO] files located at the National Archives of Australia

New UAP / [UFO] files located at the National Archives of Australia

By Keith Basterfield

     I have recently located four more unexamined UAP Australian government files in the National Archives of Australia. They are:
1. File series A452, control symbol 1969/4393. Barcode 32756885, titled "Unidentified Flying Objects and mysterious happenings in Papua and New Guinea." Department of Territories. 1957-1973.

2. File series A9755, control symbol 19. Barcode 3533548, titled "RAAF Headquarters no 82 Bomber Wing, Amberley, Qld. Unusual Aerial Sightings." 1988-1989.

3. File series A9755, control symbol 20. Barcode 3533553, titled "RAAF Headquarters no 82 Bomber Wing, Amberley, Qld. Unusual Aerial Sightings." 1989-1991.

4. File series A9755, control symbol 21. Barcode 3533564, titled "RAAF Headquarters Operational Support Group - Unusual Aerial Sightings."
I have asked the NAA to examine all four files for release. This process can take up to several months. I will advise readers, of their contents when they become available.

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