AS Ryan Peat glanced up at the sky on Thursday evening he was left standing in pure astonishment after glimpsing what may have been life from another galaxy.
Mr Peat was in his backyard in West Bundaberg at about 6.25pm when he saw a bright blue flash of light making its way across the sky.
"It was travelling much like a shooting star but not as fast," he said.
"It then started to turn green and little specks of light started to trail behind it before it disintegrated."
At first thought, Mr Peat wondered if a dodgy firework had been let off.
"I didn't hear any bang usually associated with fireworks though," he said.
"I now think it might have been a meteorite or some sort of space junk."
With curiosity getting the better of him, Mr Peat and his partner Tegan Irving posted on Bundaberg Classifieds Facebook page about the sighting and were surprised at the response they received.
"We had over 100 comments on the post with a few other people saying that they saw the same thing," he said.
"Some said they didn't see anything but they did hear a big bang around the same time."
According to Australian Close Encounter Resource Network principal Mary Rodwell, unidentified flying objects are commonly sighted within the Bundaberg region.
"There are sightings all the time, here and all over Australia," she said.
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