Well, the various articles I have recently written here at Mysterious Universe, on what have become known as the “Roswell Slides”, have resulted in a lot of questions coming my way. One of them has surfaced more than any other. It basically goes like this: Do I think that the key players in the saga of the slides are “being watched”? You know: by the dreaded “them.” Or, to get straight to the point: “the government”?
It is indeed an interesting question. I should stress that I have no data – at all – suggesting that such surveillance is going on. But, I can speak of something very strange that happened in the summer of 2014, and which has at least a bearing on this matter of someone snooping around.
It goes like this: last summer one of the “Dream Team” members investigating the slides, Tony Bragalia, was hacked. . . .
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Roswell Alien Slides Saga Involved Email Hacks and Surveillance
See Also:
Sneak Peak at The Roswell Alien Slides?
Live Press Conference with Roswell Alien Slides Researchers | VIDEO
Pictures of the Beings Found in Roswell to Be Presented by Jaime Maussan | VIDEO
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is Shown Roswell Alien Slides | VIDEO
Maussan Explains Origin of Roswell Alien Slides & Upcoming Show | VIDEO
First Glimpse of Roswell Alien Slides Documentary – Surprise! | VIDEO
Roswell Alien Slides To Be Unveiled in May Via a Live Streamed Event
The Roswell Slides and the Aztec UFO Crash
The Roswell Slides and Premature Disclosure
Roswell Researcher, Tom Carey Announces Discovery of Alien Photographs | VIDCAST
"Two Color Kodachrome Slides ... Purport To Show A Glass-Encased Alien Cadaver"
Real Alien Autopsy Photos: 'Roswell' Image Of Extra-Terrestrial Body Dated To 1947
Roswell UFO Researcher Claims He Has Alien Photos | VIDEO
Noted Roswell Researcher Talks of 'Smoking Gun Evidence' at University Forum
“How Often Does An Honors Class Take A Serious Look At UFOS?"
Journalist, Miles O'Brien To Moderate UFO Panel at American University | VIDEO
New Details of Alleged Roswell Alien Slides/Photos Revealed
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COME ON! Whenever something like this is dragged out to this degree, it's FAKE. They need all this hype to make a buck before their hoax is exposed. It also guarantees there will be a troupe of believers even once the hoax IS exposed. They'll call it a conspiracy and cling to it for the rest of eternity. Just look at (otherwise very intelligent) Stanton Friedman and the way he clings to the obviously fake MJ-12 documents.