Saturday, April 11, 2015

Peter Davenport – Ufologist | VIDEO

Peter Davenport – Ufologist

By todayislucid

     Peter Davenport runs the National UFO Reporting Center, a one-man operation fielding phone calls and collecting data from UFO sightings around the U.S. Prank calls, hoaxes, and misguided interpretations mix in with legitimately breathless reports of the extraordinary.

"We are not alone in the universe. And I aim to prove it." - Peter Davenport
Peter Davenport runs the National UFO Reporting Center, a one-man operation fielding phone calls and collecting data from UFO sightings around the U.S. Prank calls, hoaxes, and misguided interpretations mix in with legitimately breathless reports of the extraordinary.

As a quiet bachelor in solitary scientific pursuit, Peter remains something of an enigma in the small town of Harrington, WA. When he purchased a defunct missile site as his home, the townsfolk began to wonder who exactly is this man? . . .

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