. . . At around 8:00 pm [January 8, 2008], an enormous, hovering craft with ridiculously bright lights, at least 1,000 feet long (though some witnesses said a mile long), was tracked on multiple radars heading straight for the president's ranch at low speed. The craft lacked a required transponder, was totally unidentified, did not respond to any attempts at communication, and was flying through restricted airspace.
The craft had been observed during the previous hour and a half by a multitude of witnesses, including a constable, a former air traffic controller, the chief of police, and a private pilot. It was apparently doing the impossible. The object was alternately hovering, slowly cruising at low altitude, and suddenly accelerating to over 2,000 miles per hour. No known aircraft of any nation is remotely this size or can perform maneuvers like this.
The private pilot, Steve Allen, told the local paper that "[w]e all flipped out. I didn't sleep a wink last night." Allen had been at the home of Mike Odom in Selden about 6:15 p.m. when they suddenly noticed flashing lights about "3,500 feet above ground level." Mr. Allen estimated the speed of the craft at "about 3,000 miles per hour," heading toward Stephenville. . . .
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See Also:
Radar Shows Stephenville UFO Heading Toward President's Ranch | 7th ANNIVERSARY of THE STEPHENVILLE LIGHTS
Anniversary of 'Stephenville UFO Incident' Passes without Fanfare
Eyewitness, Steve Allen Recounts Stephenville UFO Incident| 7th ANNIVERSARY of THE STEPHENVILLE LIGHTS
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