A Nebraska witness at Omaha reported watching three, “cylinder-shaped objects” flying slowly in formation, according to testimony in Case 64336 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness stepped outside at 11:20 p.m. on March 30, 2015, and noticed an object crossing the sky that could not be identified.
“My first thought was that it was so quiet because usually if a plane flies overhead I can hear it all too well,” the witness stated.
The witness then noticed more objects.
“I also noticed that it had three pale yellow, cigar shapes running parallel to each other moving in formation as it flew west. I thought it was strange because except for the pale yellow coloring, there were no other lights, but still I thought maybe it was a plane.”
Then one of the cigar objects moved out of formation.
“As I thought that, the middle cigar shape moved out of formation and then a second later back into formation. So, then I thought maybe it wasn’t one solid object at all, maybe three small, pale, planes flying in formation for some reason.”
The witness felt uneasy and went back inside. . . .
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See Also:
Nebraska 1884: Cowboys Witness UFO Crash
Another Sighting of a Triangle Shaped UFO; This Time in Nebraska | UFO NEWS
Pre-Arnold UFO Sighting in Nebraska | UFO CHRONICLE – 1897
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