Roger and his family lived in New York City, in the Bronx specifically. It was late June 1966, Roger, his wife, daughter 12 and two sons, ages eight and six, decided to get up before sun rise and hit the open road for a day trip to Pennsylvania. The family of six were traveling south on the Throgs Neck suspension bridge just prior to sunrise.
“We were probably about 2/3 of the way across the bridge, when the entire family witnessed a huge green orb UFO hovering above the bridge. My wife and the two boys were excited, yelling to me to look. I remember that it was so close to the bridge that my daughter began screaming because she thought this orb was going to hit the bridge and knock it down.”
Roger tells us that the entire sighting lasted probably no longer than 30 seconds and no one in the car remembers observing this green orb flying away. He says that it just seemed to disappear. What has bothered Roger all these years is that some of the family members clearly remember the event and other have clearly forgotten it. “I think that it is very odd that something that amazing could be so easily forgotten.“ . . .
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See Also:
UFO Filmed Hovering Over New York | VIDEO
Diamond-Shaped UFOs Over New York State
UFO Over New York Spurs 911 Calls
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