A New Jersey witness at Manalapan reported watching a “black, massive, triangle-shaped” UFO about 9:50 p.m. on June 22, 2015, according to testimony in Case 66935 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was visiting parents in Manalapan at the time the object was first seen.
“I was leaving and as I was packing my car I thought I saw a bat or bird in the sky from the corner of my eye,” the witness stated. “I turned and looked closer to see this thing flying towards me. As it got closer it got larger in size.”
The witness described the object.
“It was massive – about 300 feet wide and 400 feet long, extremely dark, black, triangular shape that looked as if it was a shadow because it reflected no light. I could see the shape of this object so clearly, I couldn’t believe what my eyes were really seeing.”
The object had not lights.
“There were no lights anywhere on this flying triangular-shaped object. It was so very dark, scary, and very creepy, like a bat mobile flying over my head. Unreal!” . . .
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See Also:
Triangular Shaped UFO Sighted Over Basking Ridge, New Jersey
UFO Spotted Near Homes in New Jersey
Diamond-Shaped UFO Photogaphed at Tree-Top Level | Sayreville, New Jersey
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...and nobody had a cellphone to take a picture with? Wow.