The incident went almost completely undocumented until earlier this year when freelance journalist, author and media consultant Bob Mitchell wrote and self published Incident at Pleasant Ridge: A Canadian UFO Mystery
One of Canada's former top UFOlogists, Henry McKay tried to find information on the incident, but couldn't.
“It's very strange, there is almost no information available. What is, is in the book. Almost everyone who investigated or had anything to do with it is dead or hasn't come forward,” he said.
Mitchell said that faithful night on Borda's farm in something left a circular burn in the field which bent the crop and left a purple liquid on the ground. . . .
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See Also:
Men in Black Encounter? – The Henry McKay Confession Tape | VIDEO
Feds To Investigate Possible UFO Landing | UFO CHRONICLE – 1994
J. Allen Hynek Reports On a UFO Landing Near Nuclear Missile Site; An Air Force 'Strike Team' was Ordered To Intercept
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