Monday, August 10, 2015

The Atomic Bombings' 70th Anniversary: UFOs Have Monitored Nukes From the Beginning

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UFOs Have Monitored Nukes From the Beginning

By Robert Hastings
The UFO Chronicles

     This week marks the 70th Anniversary of the atomic bombings of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, by the U.S. Army Air Force, which essentially resulted in the end of World War II.

Beginning in the late-1960s, the Freedom of Information Act has been used by researchers to declassify thousands of U.S. government documents which confirm that UFO activity has repeatedly occurred at atomic/thermonuclear weapons sites during this seven-decade period.

Moreover, hundreds of U.S. military veterans have come forward and revealed their involvement in one or another of these UFO incursions at nuclear test areas, bomb and missile warhead storage facilities, and deployment sites such as ICBM silos.

On September 27, 2010, a former U.S. Air Force ICBM launch officer, Captain Robert Salas, and I sponsored the “UFOs and Nukes” press conference in Washington D.C., during which seven U.S. Air Force veterans described various UFO incidents at nuclear weapons sites. CNN live-streamed the event and the full-length video may be viewed at

Given the great many disclosures—in documents and witness testimony—it’s clear that those aboard (or who remotely control) the UFOs are very interested in our nuclear weapons program.

Significantly, documents smuggled out of Russia by investigative television reporter George Knapp confirm that the Soviets had similar experiences at their ICBM sites during the Cold War as well. In other words, their weapons were targeted too.

Consequently, it seems evident that the UFOs involved in these incidents were being operated by a technologically-advanced third party, neither American nor Russian. So, if this is the case, who are they?

UFOs and Nukes: A Historic Overview

Here are just a few of the incidents that are currently known about, together with the dates they occurred, and a linked-article or declassified document that provides detailed information about them:
December 1944-February 1945 / UFOs sighted and tracked on radar at the Hanford plutonium-production plant.

January 31, 1949 / FBI memorandum reporting several UFO sightings at the Los Alamos atomic weapons laboratory in New Mexico, in December 1948
FBI Protection Vital Installations (Memo 1-31-1949)
August 23, 1950 / FBI memorandum reporting ongoing UFO activity at nuclear weapons facilities in New Mexico during the previous several months
FBI New Mexico (1950-08-23)
September 15, 1964 / The Big Sur Incident—Deep Denial or Disinformation?

Fall 1964 / UFO Sightings by Air Policemen at Loring AFB, Maine, in the 1960s 

1964-67 / Three Former U.S. Air Force ICBM Launch Officers Speak Out About UFOs

Undated USAF memorandum summarizing large number of UFO sightings at F.E. Warren AFB on July 31-August 2, 1965
FE_Warren_1965_1 FE_Warren_1965_2 FE_Warren_1965_3
August 30, 1966 USAF memorandum reporting sightings at Minot AFB
minot_afb_1966-08-25_01 minot_afb_1966-08-25_02minot_afb_1966-08-25_03
Summer 1966 / UFO Hovered Near Missile Launch Control Center at Minot AFB—Retired Officer Says Several ICBMs Dropped "Off Alert" 
1966 / Launch in Progress! 

1966 / UFO Buzzes ICBM Launch Capsule at Minot AFB—The Commander's Control Panel "Lit Up" Indicating Missiles Away! 
March 17, 1967 USAF teletype reporting loss of Strategic Alert at Malmstrom's Echo Flight
March 1967 / The Echo and Oscar Flight Incidents—UFOs Disabled American ICBMs 

1966-76 / U.S. Air Force Fighters Chased UFOs at Malmstrom AFB in the 1960s and '70s  

Spring 1974 / Former U.S. Air Force Missile Launch Officer Says a UFO Activated One of His ICBMs—Twice!

October 4, 1977 USAF letter summarizing UFO sightings at various AFBs in late October and early November 1975
af_foia_response_1977-10-04_01 af_foia_response_1977-10-04_02 af_foia_response_1977-10-04_03af_foia_response_1977-10-04_04
1976 / Yet Another Nuclear Missile Launch Officer Talks about UFOs at F.E. Warren AFB 

January 1979 / Like a Diamond in the Sky 

December 1980 / The Rendlesham Forest Incidents—Beams of Light  

1980, 1989 / UFOs Directed Laser-Like Beams Onto Nuclear Weapons Storage Sites—American and Soviet Facilities Targeted During the Cold War  

November 25, 1982 / Triangular UFO Above a U.S. Army Nuclear Weapons Depot Performs a 360-Degree Roll  

1983 / UFOs Are Stalking and Intercepting Dummy Nuclear Warheads During Test Flights—Retired U.S. Air Force ICBM Targeting Team Chief Says The Big Sur Incident Was Not An Isolated Case  

1986 / Ten UFOs Cavort Above Nuclear Missiles at Malmstrom AFB 

October 1998 / Triangular-Shaped UFO Sighted at the Nellis AFB Nuclear Weapons Storage Area 

June 16, 2010 / Recent Russian Newspaper Article Discusses UFO Incidents at Soviet and American Nuclear Weapons Sites 

September 27, 2010 / The UFOs-Nukes Connection Press Conference—Witness Affidavits and Declassified Documents

October 23, 2010 / Huge UFO Sighted Near Nuclear Missiles During October 2010 Launch System Disruption 

2012 / UFOs Reported Near Malmstrom AFB's Nuclear Missile Sites in September 2012  

July-August 2013 / UFOs Reported by Civilians Living Within Malmstrom AFB's Nuclear Missile Field 

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