A Virginia witness in Loudoun County reported watching and videotaping two bright orb UFOs crossing the sky west to east, according to testimony in Case 65340 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness and several other people saw the unknown objects beginning at 8:13 p.m. on May 10, 2015, and reported the case to MUFON the following day.
The witness submitted one piece of video (seen above) to MUFON which can be viewed on this page or at this link.
“The orbs were apart at the beginning and then started to move closer together,” the witness stated. “The orbs started to separate and moved apart. One of the orbs moved to the west, and then the other orb moved to the east until high clouds moved into the area and suddenly the orbs were gone.”
Virginia MUFON STAR Team member Norman Gagnon investigated and closed the case as an Unknown. [...]
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