Tuesday, September 22, 2015

'I Was Abducted By Space Aliens,' Claims World Chess President

Libyan Lleader Moammar Gaddafi Playing Chess with  Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

Lee Speigel By Lee Speigel
The Huffington Post

"They came in a flying saucer, picked me up, and I spent a whole day in outer space."

     When Kirsan Ilyumzhinov wakes up every day, perhaps he wonders if this will be the day when his extraterrestrial friends will return to bestow new, earthshaking secrets of the universe on him.

That's right, you read it correctly -- his ET friends. And this isn't even a new revelation about the 53-year-old former president of the Russian republic of Kalmykia.

Ilyumzhinov is currently president of the International Chess Foundation (FIDE), a position he's held since 1995, after readily defeating former world chess champion Garry Kasparov last year for the job.

His background and position on UFOs and ETs will undoubtedly bring Ilyumzhinov under fresh scrutiny -- he's reportedly considering running for president of FIFA, the international governing body of football. [...]

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