Based in the nation’s capitol, Stephen Bassett is a lobbyist working tirelessly for a single, unusual cause: confronting the US Government on the existence of extraterrestrials and their presence here on Earth.
As a political activist and executive director of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), Basset aims to end the 68-year embargo of classified information relating to alien activity while pressuring President Obama and the Executive Branch to disclose these findings to the public.
Following the statements made to me by Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell on government cover ups and claims of nuclear weapons tampering by extraterrestrials, I was contacted by an associate of Stephen Bassett who expressed gratitude on his behalf for covering those stories.
Seeing an opportunity to dig deeper into these claims, I decided to interview this unique D.C. lobbyist about his beliefs and mission.
Why did you decide to take up this fight and how did you get started?
I made an intellectual decision to engage the extraterrestrial phenomenon field in the winter of 1995 because I believed I could make a difference. My journey began in January of 1996 as a volunteer for the Program for Extraordinary Experience Research founded by Dr. John E. Mack in Cambridge, Massachusetts. While in Cambridge it became clear to me that the extraterrestrial issue could only be resolved by political means. [...]
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See Also:
Activist Demands Congressional Action On Extraterrestrials
The Idiocy of the Disclosure Movement
"What, Realistically, Do You Hope To Accomplish?" | WHITE HOUSE UFO PETITION
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