[...] extraterrestrials may never notice us, either, if our technology is sufficiently sophisticated, whistleblower tells Neil deGrasse Tyson.
The US government whistleblower Edward Snowden believes encryption might make it difficult or even impossible to distinguish signals from alien species from cosmic background radiation. [...]
“If you look at encrypted communication, if they are properly encrypted, there is no real way to tell that they are encrypted,” Snowden said. “You can’t distinguish a properly encrypted communication from random behaviour.”
Therefore, Snowden continued, as human and alien societies get more sophisticated and move from “open communications” to encrypted communication, the signals being broadcast will quickly stop looking like recognisable signals. [...]
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See Also:
Alien Signal? Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts From Outside Galaxy
'Alien Radio Signals' Detected in World First
Evidence of Alien Civilization? Deep Space Radio Waves Baffle Scientists
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