Someone found a weird, shriveled animal corpse near a Russian nuclear power plant, so now it's an alien. Seriously, Internet?
[Sorry, there probably isn’t life on Rosetta’s comet — even if ‘scientists’ said so]
Adding fuel to the fire, unfortunately, is a Russian biologist. Yegor Zadereev has announced -- quite reasonably -- that he isn't sure what kind of animal the decrepit little creature is.
This happens periodically: Something a little weird is found, scientists are "puzzled" over it, and the conspiracy theorists go nuts. [...]
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See Also:
Mysterious 'Alien' Corpse Found in Russia? | VIDEO
Alien Creature Reported in Carmel Area
Terrifying Alien Creature Puzzles Residents In Plettenberg Bay, South Africa
Mysterious Glowing Alien-Like Creature Spotted in Bristol Harbour (UK) | VIDEO
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