A New York street photographer driving to Coney Island reported capturing a disc-shaped object while taking “rapid fire images” of a bridge, according to testimony in Case 70617 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
“What caught my attention was a sudden string flash at the corner of my eye, kind of like lightening but in the distance. At that moment I took my finger off the shutter and reviewed my photos from the rapid fire when I came across the object.”
“The object moved at such speed that I only had it in the frames for about maybe a second or two. It’s also moved from the front of the bridge to out of the frame in that small amount of time.”
New York State Section Director Lillian Waters and Field Investigator John Reinhart investigated this case that was reported on September 19, 2015, and closed it as Information Only.
“Although not visible to the naked eye, one picture revealed a disc-like object with a dome shaped top,” investigators stated in their report. “The object was very large – possibly 300 feet in diameter – and appeared to have bright yellow-orange external lights.” [...]
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See Also:
Disc-Shaped Craft Paces Motorist's Car on Hwy 10 | MY UFO EXPERIENCE
Disc Shaped UFO Caught On Camera Flying Past Airliner | VIDEO
Disc-Shaped UFO Hovered Over Campers
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