A Wyoming witness at Riverton reported seeing a bright blue flash followed by a blue-colored, rectangular-shaped UFO near the ground level on his property that eventually rose up and shot off into the distance, according to testimony in Case 71241 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness telephoned the report directly to MUFON Headquarters. The witness lives on a 32-acre parcel with no close neighbors. The witness was outside looking for satellites at the time of the encounter on April 15, 2015.
“Witness saw a very, very bright, blue-ish flash,” according to the report. “This was the brightest flash he has ever seen. The flash became a very, very bright blue-ish rectangle hovering near the ground on his property.”
The witness described the object.
“The rectangle was larger on the top than on the bottom. It seemed to have a flap on the top that rolled back and forth, very slowly. It was about six feet tall, five feet wide on the top and about three and-a-half feet wide towards the bottom. It seemed to be about 300 feet at the most from the witness.” [...]
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See Also:
Rectangular UFO Moves Over Home
Strange Rectangular UFO Photographed Over Germany
"The Object was Rectangular in Shape and Had Two Large White Round Lights Equidistant From Each Other" | MY UFO EXPERIENCE
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