This event took place at around 8:00 pm. A family was going along Calle Crisóstomo and Av. Colón when they noticed three very white lights - one of them very bright and large, even more so than the planet Venus. The two smaller lights disappered toward the North, according to one of the witnesses, toward Mt. Taficillo, while the larger one rose over Cerro San Javier, vanishing to the West. Another witness, who was closer to the scene, was able to see the greater light in more detail, saying that its brightness was truly impressive, but dismissed the possibility that it could have been a UFO, as it had navigation lights. This is where the confusion starts. A blue navigation light? He also saw the object rise over Cerro San Javier before vanishing. All is still under investigation, where we are expecting confirmation on helicopter fly-bys or perhaps some small plane that could fit the description.
Explaining the two other lights, however, is complicated (the ones that went north, allegedly toward Raco). According to witnesses, these lights moved at high speed, making airplanes or remotely piloted drones - common in this area - questionable. The eyewitness accounts of family that saw and took the photographs, plus two other separate witnesses, coincide. I would be helpful if anyone who saw them, or has further evidence, would contact us.
Grupo de Investigacion OVNI Tucumán (Tucumán UFO Research Group)
Source: GIOT and Planeta UFO
[Translation (c) 2015 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez Planeta UFO and GIOT)
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UFO Recorded at El Challao, Mendoza | Argentina
Hunter Claims He Shot 'An Extraterrestrial' | ARGENTINA
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