HEBER, AZ (KPHO/KTVK) - On Nov. 5, 1975, an Arizona man was allegedly abducted by aliens.
It's been 40 years since that event that has captivated millions for decades. This is the story of Travis Walton. Walton was working with a logging crew that was on its way home.
While driving through the Apache-Stigreaves National Forest, the crew spotted a strange light and some kind of craft hovering overhead. Walton said he approached the craft, a beam of light struck him and he fell unconscious.
Walton claims he woke up on a table inside some kind of alien craft surrounded by aliens. [...]
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See Also:
Travis Walton Shares New Theory His Alien Abduction | VIDEO
VIDCAST: Travis Walton Details 'Alien Abduction' in Interview - Circa 1979
UFO-Alien Abduction Still Haunts Travis Walton | INTERVIEW
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