An Oregon witness at Eugene reported watching and photographing a dark sphere UFO just above the tree line on an adjacent property, according to testimony in Case 71227 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was looking out a kitchen window facing east when a dark object was first noticed above the tree line over a neighbor’s backyard at 9:24 a.m. on October 6, 2015.
“I had just enough time to get my camera and caught several in-focus images of a dark sphere or something round and dark,” the witness stated.“I was standing in the sliding glass doorway when I photographed the dark object before it moved behind a tree and I lost sight of the object.” [...]
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See Also:
UFO Reports/Sightings Expand To Oregon | VIDEO
UFO Dropped Smaller, Sphere, Claims Oregon Witness
UFO Orbs Photographed Over Forest Grove, Oregon
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