A Florida witness at Longwood reported and videotaped sphere-shaped UFOs forming a square that moved and hovered and made no sound, according to testimony in Case 54305 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness reported watching four glowing objects above Longwood as they crossed Wikiva Springs Road at 11 p.m. on February 25, 2014.
“The objects appeared to travel together and were gaining altitude and forming a square,” the witness stated. “At first they appeared as four large, glowing balloons.”
After approximately three minutes traveling together the objects appeared smaller to the witness as if they were gaining altitude.
[...]The witness reported watching four glowing objects above Longwood as they crossed Wikiva Springs Road at 11 p.m. on February 25, 2014.
“The objects appeared to travel together and were gaining altitude and forming a square,” the witness stated. “At first they appeared as four large, glowing balloons.”
After approximately three minutes traveling together the objects appeared smaller to the witness as if they were gaining altitude. [...]
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See Also:
UFO Orbs in Formation Over Frederick, Colorado | MY UFO EXPERIENCE
UFO Orbs Filmed Over Osaka, Japan | VIDEO
UFO Orbs Caught on Video Over Barwell | VIDEO
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