BERKELEY -- A UC Berkeley astronomy research scientist working to find alien life, instead found two burglary suspects who were snooping around Campbell Hall after hours stealing textbooks, police said Sunday. | Matthias Gafni 2-29-16 |
Howard Isaacson, who works with NASA's Kepler Space Mission and the California Planet Search team, had been working late Feb. 18, with members of the newly formed Berkeley SETI Research Center determining what they should target for alien signals. He left after 11 p.m. and as he walked onto the second floor, which can only be accessed with key cards, he observed two suspicious men. [...]
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See Also:
SETI Targets Kepler-452b in Search for Alien Life
SETI’s Follow up on Mysterious Star That Might Be Home To ET
SETI's Seth Shostak Discusses New 'Earth-Like Planet' with Panel of Scientists | VIDEO
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