NOTE TO ALL NEWS MEDIA: House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford, R-Michigan, today sent the attached letter to the chairmen and the ranking Republican members of the House Committees on Armed Services and Science and Astronautics, urging that one committee or the other investigate the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). | By Congressman Gerald R. Ford News Release 3-28-1966 |
Ford is not satisfied with the Air Force explanation of the recent sightings in Michigan and describes the "swamp gas" version given by astrophysicist J. Allen Hynek as "flippant."
Ford has received a number of telegrams and letters from individuals anxious to see a congressional investigation of UFO's.
See Also:
Gerald Ford Made UFOs a Political Issue
Ford's UFO Legacy: Unapproving of The Air Force's Explanation
VIDCAST | Walter Cronkite Reports On UFO Flap of 1966
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