It’s funny how some statements made by people with a ‘good reputation’ are often perceived as ‘credible’ right away, but when these statements are on a controversial subject, like UFOs, they are still greeted with harsh skepticism. It seems that something has to be presented in the mainstream before it’s considered credible, like this | By Arjun Walia www.collective-evolution 6-25-16 |
What makes something ‘credible?’ It depends on a lot of factors. When it comes to the topic of UFOs, what we have are hundreds, if not thousands of people with distinct backgrounds, ranging from employment within defence and space agencies, military personnel of all ranks, to politicians and more who have all ‘testified’ to the existence of UFOs or intelligent extraterrestrials via experience in their given fields. ...
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See Also:
VIDEO | 2011 International UFO Congress | Stanton Friedman vs. Dr. John Alexander in UFO Debate
UFOs : What Does the President Know? (Pt 1)
Is There a UFO Cover-up? A Government Insider Speaks Out
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