A former government emergency expert made a detailed death bed confession of how he was shown inside an alien flying saucer at the top-secret Area 51 military base, it has been sensationally claimed. | By Jon Austin www.express.co.uk 7-17-16 |
Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Minister of Defencem, said an unnamed former Canadian Chief of Emergency Measures revealed the astonishing story just before his death from a neurological illness. ...
Mr Hellyer, who became a UFO expert after claiming to have seen proof of alien visitations while in office, said: "The reason I know is I interviewed the previous one, who is now deceased, and he went to Langley and the CIA asked if he would like to see one of these crafts.
"They flew him to Area 51 and let him go inside one and observe it and make notes and this sort of thing." ...
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