A Utah witness at West Jordan reported watching a cylinder-shaped UFO hovering while it changed colors before slowly moving away, according to testimony in Case 78051 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness was a passenger in a vehicle at 7000 South and Redwood when the driver first noticed two lights hovering under 500 feet. |
The witness was able to describe the object better once they approached it.
“As we got closer, between the two bright, white lights was a cylinder-shaped figure. It turned into a glowing purple, and then slowly turned red, and then blue. As we passed I looked behind me to watch. Then it slowly started moving towards the northern side of Utah while changing into the three colors. Then I looked away. I felt very excited and shocked. I couldn’t believe my own eyes.”
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See Also:
Cylinder UFO Videotaped Over New Jersey
Cylinder-Shaped UFO Photographed Over Frisco, Texas
Cylindrical Shaped UFO Hovers 500 Over Highway
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