A Florida witness at Ocala reported watching and videotaping a fast approaching, bright sphere UFO that hovered in place before moving away toward the ground level, according to testimony in Case 78114 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness and a friend stepped outside onto a porch to watch an approaching storm system about 8:30 p.m. on July 31, 2016, when the incident occurred. |
“I noticed a look on her face that caught my attention and immediately upon looking south I noticed a very brightly lit ‘sphere’ moving towards us rather quickly from the distant sky to the south,” the witness stated.“It was so bright and moving so quickly that it gave the appearance of being close. The color was a bluish tint but did not appear to be casting light in any direction.”
... “As the object got closer it abruptly stopped and hoovered perfectly still for multiple minutes. At this point I began recording with my cell phone. After about 90 seconds, the sphere flashed off and left just a blinking, or pulsating red light.” ...
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