A Tennessee witness at Nashville reported watching a “bright orange line in the sky” that appeared to be two separate lights when videotaping zoomed in, according to testimony in Case 78626 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness went outside during a work break at 3 a.m. on August 15, 2016, when the incident began. |
“I walked to my normal spot for smoking and noticed a very bright orange light in the sky unlike anything I had ever seen before,” the witness stated.“The brightness of it was what got my attention, the way it was glowing and the color made it look like a street light, but I’ve never seen one that way and this thing looked way too big for that.” ...
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See Also:
MY UFO EXPERIENCE: Huge Black Triangle Sighted On Return To Army Base
UFO Larger Than Apartment Complex, Reported Over Jasper, Tennessee
UFO Filmed Over Memphis, Tennessee | VIDEO
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