A Nevada witness at Denio reported watching and videotaping two objects that could not immediately be identified, according to testimony in Case 75146 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness arrived at a campground in northwest Nevada shortly after dark September 24, 2015, on a clear night and set up a campsite, sitting by the fire about 20 minutes before the incident began. |
“Something flashed out the corner of my eye and made me turn my head looking to the west,” the witness stated.“I could kind of see an outline of some hills/mountains to the west as I looked to where the flashes drew my attention. Two bright yellow arcs appeared over the top of the hill/mountain.”
The witness first thought the light was two objects.
“At first I thought it was two objects. I think now it was just one moving so fast it left a trail. It made two arcs flying above the hill/mountain then diving down then back up I guess. It was a bright yellow object,no flames/jets. The object itself was glowing yellow,strangest yellow, kind of like a spark shooting up out of a fire. The spark is burning and leaving a trail as it shoots up. I had never seen anything like this.” ...
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See Also:
UFO Incidents Over Nevada | VIDEO
Mystery of The Nevada Triangle
UFO Triangle Recorded Hovering Over Nevada Town | VIDEO
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