Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Sky Lanterns Banned By Scottish Council

Sky Lanterns Banned By Scottish Council
Sky lanterns can be a major fire risk – once lit and set off into the sky you don't know where an ignited lantern will land

     A Scottish council has banned sky lanterns on its property and its events after the NFU Scotland wrote a letter about their impact on livestock farmers.
By www.farminguk.com

The union said it would welcome both personal and public use of the lanterns being banned as they are a 'fire risk' and could be dangerous to livestock.

Stephen McCabe, leader for Inverclyde Council said the lanterns can cause huge damage both to the environment and to animals.

He said: "They can also put an unnecessary strain on the emergency services with people confusing them as distress flares or even UFO’s and calling 999.

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