JEROME, Idaho (KBOI) — Dozens of dead owls have been reported by drivers along Interstate-84 in southern Idaho making for an eerie stretch of road. | By KBOI 2-13-17 |
Over the weekend, Nichole Miller and Christina White of Boise were driving home to Boise from Twin Falls when they spotted some road kill along the interstate.
It was definitely, an owl, she said. And it wasn't the only one. Miller said she and Christina lost count after spotting more than 50 dead owls during a 20-mile stretch near Jerome.
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See Also:
DYING BIRD PHENOMENON | X-Files: Dead Birds, Dead Fish: What Does it Mean?
DYING BIRD PHENOMENON | And Still More Dead Birds -- Hundreds Line Texas Highway
Dead Birds Fall 'Like Raindrops' in Winnipeg | DYING BIRD PHENOMENON | VIDEO
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