A Pennsylvania witness at Dauphin reported watching a low flying, triangle-shaped object with a metallic-like appearance that “simply disappeared,” according to testimony in Case 82087 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness was driving near home at 8:30 p.m. on February 14, 2017, when the incident occurred. “My attention was drawn to a triangular object in the sky quickly flying |
The object then shifted direction toward the witness.
“I was drawn to watch it, so I stopped in the middle of the road. It descended and flew directly over my car. When I looked up through my sunroof, I could see it had a metallic-like appearance (but it wasn’t smooth) and an irregular light pattern. It quickly started a slight ascension, made a quick 90-degree direction change and simply disappeared. The entire event was only a couple of minutes in duration. It happened so quickly, it was difficult to take pictures.”
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See Also:
Huge, Triangular UFO Spotted Near 202 Freeway – Tempe, Arizona | MY UFO EXPERIENCE
Triangle UFO Over Gilbert Arizona | VIDEO | UFO NEWS
MY UFO EXPERIENCE: Huge V-Shaped Craft, Low and Slow Spotted While Driving
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