n March 3, 2017, starting at 3:00 p.m., a phenomenon was recorded over Plata (Huila) that left locals looking for answers. Three mysterious UFOs were sighted in the skies over the community. According to eyewitnesses, the objects remained static most of the | By Inexplicata inexplicata.blogspot.com 3-4-17 |
A witness to the event remarked: "Three unidentified flying vehicles remained static most of the afternoon until dusk, then flew quickly toward each other until they vanished," according to Lucas Martinez.
UFO sightings over Colombia are on the rise with many more cases reporting everything from small lights to possible structured craft flying over towns, municipalities and even some of the nation's cities.
Photos show white objects, clearly distant from the witnesses. A drawing depicts the manner in which the craft were described by witnesses.
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See Also:
Fleet of UFOs (Ovnis) Over Colombia | VIDEO
New UFO Hotspot: Medellin, Colombia | VIDEO
Colombia: UFOs Over AntioquĂa
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