A Louisiana witness at Lafayette County reported watching two, disc-shaped objects with binoculars that disappeared into a dark cloud, according to testimony in Case 84059 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness was outside looking at clouds at 5 p.m. on May 27, 2017, at a 45-degree angle to the north using binoculars. “And as soon as I got the focus, there they were – two UFOs,” the |
The witness had a feeling the objects were trying to communicate.
“I kind of got the feeling the bottom one was using the craft to wave at me, as to say, ‘Hey, here we are!’ As it was moving side-to-side as in someone would move their hand to wave.”
The witness described the objects.
“These were both saucer-shaped and were a black or dark gray color and both had lights in the front that pulsated back and forth like the Knight Rider car, but only much slower. The color of the lights from my perspective was red on the left, blue in the middle and either yellow or white on the right. I couldn’t make out the size because I couldn’t see them with the naked eye, only through the binoculars. I was using a Redfield brand that was 10 x 50. But they were clear as day to see the shape, color and what they were doing.”
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See Also:
Army Reveals It Has Flying Disc Found On Ranch in New Mexico
MY UFO EXPERIENCE: Witness Recounts Seeing 'Flying Disc' in Louisiana
Man Says He Saw Flying Disk Land | UFO CHRONICLE - 1947
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