An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO), spotted near the Lithuanian border on 25 June by two duty motor police patrol officers, Jaunius Poera and Laimis Kraujalis placed the whole Vilius police on the alert. | By Itar-Tass 6-26-1996 |
According to eyewitness accounts ... they noticed a spherical object hanging and "pulsing," alternately shrinking and expanding. At the same time, they heard what they described as "a strange sound like an electric or electronic crackle,"wanting to take a closer look at the UFO, the policemen moved toward it. When they advanced about 50 meters through the long grass, the police said the sphere moved away, rose higher and rapidly departed in the direction of Vilnius.
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See Also:
CIA Papers Detail UFO Surveillance
UFO NEWS | VIDEO: Underwater Hunt for UFOs in Russia
UFOs Over Russia's Lake Baikal
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