
Tuesday, August 01, 2017

UFOs Visited Nuclear Missile Sites & Bomber Bases According to The Defense Department

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UFOs Visited  Nuclear Missile Sites & Bomber Bases According to The Defense Department

     During two weeks in 1975, a string of the nation's supersensitive nuclear missile launch sites and bomber bases were visited by unidentified, low-flying and elusive objects, according to Defense Department reports.

The sightings, made visually and on radar by air and ground crews
By Ward Sinclair and Art Harris
The Washington Post
and sabotage-alert forces, occurred at installations in Montana, Michigan and Maine, and led to extensive but unsuccessful Air Force attempts to track and detain the objects.

Air Force and Defense Department records variously describe the objects as helicopters, aircraft, unknown entities and brightly lighted, fast-moving vehicles that hovered over nuclear weapons storage areas and evaded all pursuit efforts.

In several instances, after base security had been penetrated, the Air Force sent fighter planes and airborne command planes aloft to carry on the unsuccessful pursuit. The records do not indicate if the fighters fired on the intruders.

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