Astronomers believe it’s possible that advanced beings lived in or visited our solar system eons ago — and perhaps left behind certain ‘technosignatures.’
We’re used to the idea of searching for space aliens by scanning the heavens for their radio signals — after all, that’s what Jodie Foster's character does in the 1997 movie Contact and the way alien hunters commonly go about their work. | By NBC MACH 8-29-17 |
But some scientists think the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) shouldn’t be limited to far-flung star systems. Rather, they argue, we should consider the possibility that evidence of intelligent aliens might exist here on Earth, or on one or more of our nearest neighbors in the solar system.
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See Also:
Aliens Visited Earth; Base On Moon Probable, said Carl Sagan
Aliens Previously Populated Our Solar System
“Statistical Likelihood that Earth was Visited by ET," Argued Carl Sagan
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