General Curtis LeMay was a larger than life figure who rose to prominence through his command of bombers in the second World War, and and afterwards for his development of the United States’ armed warfare during the Cold War. For an overview of his military career, see the biography at the Air Force’s site. | By Curt Collins thesaucersthattimeforgot 9-26-17 |
To UFO buffs, Gen. LeMay is best known for his role in the anecdote that Senator Barry Goldwater told....
Remarks at a Rodeo
Gen. Curtis LeMay, asked what he thought about flying saucers, replied:
"The best information in my opinion on them is to be found in a book written by an Englishman explaining numerous such mysteries. He says that the first flying saucers were seen in Egypt about the year 3,000 B. C."
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See Also:
Why I Believe in Flying Saucers
"35th Fighter Squadron . . . Routinely Tracked UFOs On Radar"
UFO NEWS | Senator Barry Goldwater UFO Files Now Posted
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