Astronomers have identified a weird pair of orbiting asteroids,
called 288P, as the first known binary asteroid also classified as a comet.
called 288P, as the first known binary asteroid also classified as a comet.
Astronomers recently spotted two space rocks behaving strangely. As the asteroids orbited each other, both of them appeared to be shedding material just like a comet does — observations revealed a coma around the objects as well as a long tail of material. | By Elizabeth Howell The Seeker 9-21-17 |
The group have identified this weird system, called 288P, as “the first known binary asteroid also classified as a comet.” There are a few select examples of single asteroids shedding water and dust and leaving behind a comet-like tail, but it’s the first time two of these objects were seen orbiting each other.
288P was first discovered in November 2006 by the astronomical survey Spacewatch. ...
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