Saturday, December 16, 2017

Joe Rogan Bashes Tom Delonge, Says His UFO Commentary is 'Ridiculous' | VIDEO

Joe Rogan Bashes Tom Delonge, Says His UFO Commentary is Ridiculous
"What he was saying to me was so ridiculous, I don't even have to challenge him on this because it's so obviously ridiculous every one is going to see it's ridiculous..."–Joe Rogan
Editor's note: In a recent interview on the Joe Rogan Experience with guest Mick West, a game programmer, writer, and debunker, the latter brought up Tom Delonge, the former guitarist/vocalist with Blink-182 and now UFO enthusiast and entrepreneur who recently launched, the UFO laced, “To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science.” Rogan cited an earlier interview he did with DeLonge and said, "He is out of his fxxking mind! Poor bastxxd!") He further stated, "What he was saying to me was so ridiculous, I don't even have to challenge him on this because it's so obviously ridiculous every one is going to see it's ridiculous..."FW Listen below:

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